Monday, June 2, 2008

livetext did something good!

I was typing my assessment section for this lesson plan and my cat who has traumatic brain injury (really) ran into the computer and turned it off. When I went back into livetext, prepared to retype everything, it said that it had recovered some unsaved information and there was all of my work. Thanks livetext for not making me throw my computer (or cat) out of the window!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

I am taking a study break and I need to know if this: is a bad "font" day in livetext land? What the hell is going on with the font? When I click finish 1/2 of my work is in the teeny tiny font and half is in small. I clicked edit and highlighted the print; went to font and clicked on small; hit save and finish and WALAH....1/2 and 1/2! This has not happened for a long long time.
I oh so wanted to blog something positive. But fate has stepped in. Oh- The font and alignment is funky on my other project.
Okay here's a positive thing. I do prefer to work on a live text document rather than a word doc within livetext because of the crazy way the document shifts (yes I was tempted to write &*#*'s) when you type.
Can you cuss on these blogs?
I did the survey last week, but how do you know that I completed it?
And how sad just when I am getting the hang of this blog thing: time is up!

Monday, May 26, 2008

me again, short and sweet, why can't I submit assignments early? I want to be done with Lesson 4, but it won't let me submit, no fair.

opening two livetext tabs

I don't know if this was a function of the old LiveText, but thought I'd mention that to ease assignment reproduction, I open two tabs of LiveText, it makes for an easy copy and paste function from Lesson to Lesson.

Is it grammatically correct to capitalize in a term such as LiveText, how does that work? I had a challenge writing the term WebQuest appropriately, I found some people spaced it(Web Quest), while others lower cased in text (Webquest). Any thoughts?
In this new generation of technology are our new tech terms lacking grammatical coherence? and why is that alright?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

class wiki and blog

Hi class!
I mentioned to Dr. Gut that I had created a Wiki and blog posting for my 7th grade LANGUAGE ARTS class at Alexander-HOLOCAUST Unit. Thought you might be interested in bookmarking it, as it has a great deal of resources I have linked for the kids to use. If you are interested...check it out! Click below! Need I mention-Big Tom inspired the blog creation for the kids to use for sharing their thoughts and feelings about current has been quite the learning experience as has our Live text NEXT GENERATION (is that something I can put on my resume..sounds so official, jk.)
The spell check for livetext STINKS STINKS STINKS!!!!

So does the UNDO button, I lost my work and could not retrieve it.(Luckily it was only two sentences) And now I am stuck in BOLD on this blog thing because I cannot get out of it!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Final Exit Survey For Next Generation LiveText

Select this hyperlink to complete the exit survey. The form is online and public, you will not need to be logged into LiveText to complete it. Please answer each question and then select "submit form" at the bottom of the survey.

Next Generation Livetext Trial Student Survey

Sunday, May 18, 2008

review/comment portion

The first time I reviewed Lesson 1 I was able to see Dr. Gut's comments, I wanted to reference them again, as I completed Lesson 2, but it appears the comments are no longer visible for me to this because she set mine up for resubmission.
Help! How can I review the comments of my last lesson.

Last Question: Review Process

Has the review process for Livetext improved compared to the last version? Has it been easier or have unexpected problems emerged?