Sunday, May 18, 2008

review/comment portion

The first time I reviewed Lesson 1 I was able to see Dr. Gut's comments, I wanted to reference them again, as I completed Lesson 2, but it appears the comments are no longer visible for me to this because she set mine up for resubmission.
Help! How can I review the comments of my last lesson.


BigTom said...

Haley> I checked for you lesson 1 comments and they are still there.
1. go to the "submissions tab" for "first lesson" and select "assignment history" will see your previous submission in green, open that document.
3. comments will be in light blue below title and also in miniature callouts above the text.

Unknown said...

thank you for being so efficient with a response, I had been looking there, but gave up hope thank you for navigating me!

shawnaedwards said...

I have learned to type right into LiveText, rather then type a word document and try to paste it in. This is because once I try to paste it, the format becomes crazy. Nothing is in its right place. However, I have noticed lately that as I am typing right into livetext, I will go to save something, and it moves my text around--what in the world. This is crazy. I feel that it has a mind of its own.

Erin Parker said...

The new livetext version has been ok to use,but the only part of it that I have a problem with is the fact that once you submit something, you cannot take it down. Other than that, everything is fine. :)