Thursday, May 22, 2008

class wiki and blog

Hi class!
I mentioned to Dr. Gut that I had created a Wiki and blog posting for my 7th grade LANGUAGE ARTS class at Alexander-HOLOCAUST Unit. Thought you might be interested in bookmarking it, as it has a great deal of resources I have linked for the kids to use. If you are interested...check it out! Click below! Need I mention-Big Tom inspired the blog creation for the kids to use for sharing their thoughts and feelings about current has been quite the learning experience as has our Live text NEXT GENERATION (is that something I can put on my resume..sounds so official, jk.)
The spell check for livetext STINKS STINKS STINKS!!!!

So does the UNDO button, I lost my work and could not retrieve it.(Luckily it was only two sentences) And now I am stuck in BOLD on this blog thing because I cannot get out of it!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Final Exit Survey For Next Generation LiveText

Select this hyperlink to complete the exit survey. The form is online and public, you will not need to be logged into LiveText to complete it. Please answer each question and then select "submit form" at the bottom of the survey.

Next Generation Livetext Trial Student Survey

Sunday, May 18, 2008

review/comment portion

The first time I reviewed Lesson 1 I was able to see Dr. Gut's comments, I wanted to reference them again, as I completed Lesson 2, but it appears the comments are no longer visible for me to this because she set mine up for resubmission.
Help! How can I review the comments of my last lesson.

Last Question: Review Process

Has the review process for Livetext improved compared to the last version? Has it been easier or have unexpected problems emerged?

Video of Microteaching

I am still trying to figure out a way to attach the video of our microteaching lessons. I have spent many hours attempting this feat and have been told it is the impossible. I've tried condensing the file and attaching it to LT although LT doesn't not want to seem to attach it or cooperate. I know Tom, that you said you were going to ponder the issue and was wondering if you have any thoughts. Thanks!